速報APP / 遊戲 / Stash walk

Stash walk





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:277 Conover rd. East Windsor, NJ 08520-2803

Stash walk(圖1)-速報App

Do you like to take walks but still lack motivation to exercise? Give this game of Stash walk a try!

- Motivate yourself to walk more often and to increase the lengths of your walks!

- Add mystery and excitement to your exercise routine and turn your usual walk or run into an amusing quest!

Here are the rules:

This app allows you to establish "stashes" along your favorite routes. Once created, you will need to visit them periodically to “boost” them, letting them grow faster and produce various items. Eventually you can open a stash to collect the grown value and the items. Failure to open a stash before its expiration time will be fined with your total accumulated points (the Wealth). Another element of adventure is hunting down “wandering stashes” that might spontaneously appear in random locations (internet connection is required). As a result, you might visit new places and discover new routes.

Stash walk(圖2)-速報App

Begin your adventure by creating your very first stash today!



* Establish your own stashes in various locations, have them grow while you walk or run, then return back to claim their value.

* Mix up the destinations and lengths of your walk or run to create as many stashes in different locations as you want.

Stash walk(圖3)-速報App

* Return to your stashes periodically to boost their growth. Boosting stashes as they grow will increase their contents.

* Use available items wisely in order to achieve the best possible results.

* Hunt down the wandering stashes and obtain some rare items.

* Share your achievements with your friends and family.

This application does not require the phone to be on in order to function. When the phone sleeps or another application is active, your movement will continue to count. Most features of this application do not require a permanent internet connection (exception: wandering stashes appear only when internet connection is available).

Stash walk(圖4)-速報App

Please send your suggestions and/or bug reports to: ghost.sq2@gmail.com

Stash walk(圖5)-速報App